Archive for the 'Faith Foundations' Category

We enjoyed a pleasant stroll around a part of Bridgnorth that we hadn’t explored before. Unfortunately the church wasn’t open. We will have to try again another day.

St Leonard’s Church dates from the early 13th century, and was built to cater for a population that had now expanded beyond the castle bailey – although it [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Jul 23rd 2024

Liverpool Cathedral is a Church of England cathedral in the city of Liverpool, England. It is the seat of the bishop of Liverpool and is the mother church of the diocese of Liverpool. The church may be formally referred to as the Cathedral Church of Christ in Liverpool the Cathedral Church of the Risen Christ, Liverpool.[1] It is the largest [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 10th 2024

When I woke up on Saturday morning, I asked Mr C if there was a plan for the day. He replied ‘a plan is emerging’. This is code for there is no plan.
I emerged from the bathroom to get dressed ready for the day and was informed that we were going to Liverpool to visit [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jul 3rd 2024

Our recent day trip to London was so enjoyable we decided to visit London again the following week.
The train arrived on time but was delayed briefly due to a points issue. Once in London, we caught the Tube to Southwark where we intended to visit Southwark Cathedral and The Shard.
Before visiting either it was time [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jul 1st 2024

My heart was rapt away by the wild cherry blossoms will it return to my body when they scatter?

2 Comments CherryPie on Jun 30th 2024

… another adventure

This time to Liverpool Cathedral by road rather than rail.
I have been too busy with adventures, medical appointments (mum), volunteering with the National Trust and a local school that I havn’t had time  share my recent adventures in detail.
More coming soon…

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 29th 2024

For many years Mr C and I have wanted to visit the Temple church in London. The church is only open to visitors Monday to Friday and we have historically visited London on a Saturday.
We recently took a day trip to London using our discount railcards with the specific aim of visiting the Temple Church.
Before [...]

13 Comments CherryPie on Jun 25th 2024

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