I can’t believe that I have been volunteering at Attingham Park for a year. My first post shift walk (after a taster session) was on February 8th 2024 to see the snowdrops.
You can view the post here.
I haven’t walked after my shifts for a couple of months due to the lighting levels for driving home. [...]
Our kitchen fitter experiencing none of the previous day’s travel dramas arrived on time. Shortly afterwards the tiler arrived.
Later in the morning I drove to Attingham Park for my usual Tuesday volunteering at Visitor Reception. The day was lovely and warm compared to the previous Tuesday afternoon and also the flooding had subsided. This led [...]
Mr C and I had originally planned to visit the Attingham Park Christmas displays on the 7th December and I would do a late volunteering shift after our visit. Then Mr C would pick me up and we would have a meal out to complete the day.
Unfortunately Storm Darragh had other plans and Attingham Park [...]
If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?
Kahlil Gibran
As a volunteer I was allowed to see the mansion decked in all it’s glory the day before it opens for public viewing. Visitors are in for a treat.
Due circumstances beyond my control I did not have the opportunity to see the outdoor Christmas Trail as I had intended to do.
The deer appear to be masquerading as cows…
Flower of this purple dye, hit with cupid’s archery, sink in apple of his eye.
William Shakespeare