Mile Walk

It was lovely that Mr C had the opportunity to join me on my post shift walk. He chose to walk one of my favourite walks in the opposite direction…

I like to walk clockwise on a circular route rather than anti clockwise. I wonder what that says about me?

Mile Walk

Mile Walk

Mile Walk

Walled Garden

Waled Garden

Mr C


6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 19th 2024

6 Responses to “A Post Shift Walk at Attingham Park”

  1. He he… Likewise, I like to write the letter “o” or the number “0″ clockwise.
    Welcome to the club. ;)

  2. Shabana says:

    Wow such a delightful walk full of lush and gorgeous views dear Cheri ❤
    I am so happy that your hubby joined you for the walk even though in opposite directions yet sense of closeness remains

    Sending best wishes and love!

  3. Chrystal Chaplow says:

    Aw, okay, you two win the cutest couple award. Sounds like Mr. C is a fan of the road less travelled, and you, being a woman, wisely choose the safest course, and yet notice things that other people miss along the way, and this is where you and Mr. C meet intersect. :)

    Didja like that? I just made that up, I don’t know if that’s true, but it sounds right and a nice thought anyway? :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I wouldn’t desctribe either of us cute LOL

      Walking a path in the opposite direction to my usual route is the equivalent of ‘taking the road less travelled’. And it brings its rewards :-)