Archive for the tag 'Jesus'

This day saw the beginning of a sequence of rapidly-unfolding events that would lead to Jesus’ crucfixion. On this day, Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover. During this celebration, commonly called the Last Supper because it was Jesus’ final meal before his arrest and death, Jesus established the practice [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Mar 28th 2024

On these two days, Jesus made a number of appearances and addresses, most famously to “cleanse” the temple of money changers and merchants who had set up business in God’s house. Jesus also appeared at the temple courts to debate the priests and community leaders.

Matthew 21:12-25:13 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus at the Temple
12 Jesus entered [...]

Comments Off CherryPie on Mar 25th 2024

The Bible Gateway shares an informative infographic of Holy Week.  The chart displays the people and events that form the Easter Story.

On Palm Sunday, Jesus arrived at Jerusalem riding on a donkey, where he was welcomed by cheering crowds. (The “Palm” in “Palm Sunday” refers to the tree branches that the crowds used to make [...]

Comments Off CherryPie on Mar 24th 2024

The church was consecrated in 1735 and is the only one of its kind in the country; its late baroque style is more usually found in southern Germany and Italy. It is believed to be to a design by James Gibbs. The exterior was originally plain brick but was later clad with limestone ashlar and [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Apr 19th 2023

Looking East down the Nave of the Lichfield Cathedral, three Icons can be seen. To left of the Nave Archangel Gabriel is depicted and to the right the Virgin Mary. The centre Icon shows Jesus being crucified on the cross. This Icon viewed from the West shows the resurrection of Jesus.

6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 17th 2022

This day saw the beginning of a sequence of rapidly-unfolding events that would lead to Jesus’ crucfixion. On this day, Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover. During this celebration, commonly called the Last Supper because it was Jesus’ final meal before his arrest and death, Jesus established the practice [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 1st 2021

On these two days, Jesus made a number of appearances and addresses, most famously to “cleanse” the temple of money changers and merchants who had set up business in God’s house. Jesus also appeared at the temple courts to debate the priests and community leaders.

Matthew 21:12-25:13 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus at the Temple
12 Jesus entered [...]

Comments Off CherryPie on Mar 29th 2021

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