The Vision & Verb collaborative project (by women of a certain age) has now reached its conclusion. Marcie was our inspiration and guiding light, so I feel it appropriate to share her closing Vision & Verb.
With palms pressed at heart’s center – we sound our voices. We begin with a deep resounding ‘ohhhhm’.
Some of us are tentative at first. Our voices are new to us. We’re unsure. We’re shy. We’re scared. We haven’t – yet – given ourselves permission to speak out loud…to sing.
Together – we grow strong.
We connect to our hearts and our heartsongs. We connect to the earth and its energies. We connect to one another…honoring our intentions and commitment to show up together in this one space…in this one time…in this one day.
We are all the same.
We have arrived here from all corners of the globe. We were strangers. We have become friends. We’ve shared the stories of our lives…and our life’s stories. We’ve dreamed. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. We’ve challenged and inspired and encouraged one another to be the best selves we possibly can.
We’ve learned kindness and patience and gratitude and joy. We’ve held one another in times of sadness. We’ve celebrated our victories. We’ve honored our defeats. And - we’ve been there for one another as a reminder that tomorrow always comes. A new day will dawn and with it – another opportunity to begin. Again.
For me – our time here at Vision and Verb has been one long beautiful communal vinyasa practice. Our bodies and our breaths. Our images and our words. Quiet…soulful…deeply meaningful and powerful personal connection.
We’ve shown up. We burned brightly. And now – the time has come to let go. With appreciation…compassion… grace.
We honor the endings by knowing that every ending is really a beginning. We’ve shown up for ourselves and one another and done the best work that we can.
‘We’re all just walking each other home.’
Just as we began – almost 5 years ago – we close by bringing our palms together once and again at our heart’s center. We sound our voices in a longer and deeper and more resonant ‘ohhhhhmmmm’. We’re confident. We’re strong. What we needed – we learned – we’ve always had within.
We’ve felt the energy. We’re now feeling the release.
We bring our hands from our hearts to our third eye center. A reminder to ourselves to follow our heart’s lead. We bow our heads.
And together – we say:
The light in me honors the light, love, beauty and truth and peace within you. In sharing our authentic selves and brave stories – we are united. We are one. We are the same.
In deepest gratitude.
* * *
Thank-you to all of our dear and loyal readers who have shown up and shared in our stories. Your presence and spirit and quiet encouragement has meant so much to us here. You can find links to our individual blogs by checking out who is gathered around Our Table.
When one door closes another opens.
We look forward to your joining with us in wherever our new creative adventures lead.
Some of the ladies are preserving and sharing their posts from the project, they can be viewed at the following links:
What a great tribute to Marcie and the great ride we all had, Cherry. Thank you for doing this!
It was a great ride and we are all much richer for it. Thank you too
I love the word,the philosophy,the inner calm and gratefulness from just uttering the word namaste.
It is sad that you have all disbanded. I am a very sentimental person do not like endings,although I have learned lately that some are healthy and necessary.
I am philosophical about it. The ending of one beautiful thing will inevitably lead to the opening of other doors.
When one door closes another opens. Who knows where it may lead…
This was a wonderful way that Marcie embraced every moment over the past five years so very well in her last Vision & Verb…
Thank you for sharing this with us Cherie and to Marcie who has pulled all of these great artists together….peter:)
Thank you Peter
Her words are beautiful and I can’t thank her enough for bringing us together to explore our words and visions in such a creative way.
There are few real forms of public collaborative art in this newish internet medium, and Vison & Verb was high amongst them. The heartfelt thoughtfulness displayed along with the pictures that illustrated (and vice versa – excuse the pun) is an expression of humanity of which we can well do with more.
The ladies can take a bow. They have taken a lead.
Thank you for you kind words and appreciation of our contributions to what was ‘Vision & Verb’.
I think our ‘Visions & Verbs’ will continue the seeds have been scattered and sown on fertile land
Thanks for sharing Cherie. What a beautiful way to close one door…and open another. Thank-YOU for being a part! xxoo
Thank you for inspiring us, I have enjoyed the journey and the friends I have met along the way. I am looking forward to seeing what the opening door brings…
Thank You xoxoxoxoxox