Walled Garden

Walled Garden

Walled Garden

Walled Garden

8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 24th 2024

8 Responses to “Summer Delights at Attingham Park”

  1. Nasturtium flowers are actually edible.
    But I don’t really like them.
    They taste rather bitter. ;)

    • CherryPie says:

      I rarely try out edible flowers when they are served in a restaurant. I have a lovely book that features herbs and flowers in recipies. I have not tried any of the flower options partly because I don’t know where to obtain them for cooking purposes.

  2. Hels says:

    Why is the netting put on top of the flowers – to protect the plants from insects?

  3. Shabana says:

    awesome flowers my friend !
    thanks for delightful glimpses

  4. Ginnie Hart says:

    Because we are huge fans of artichokes, Cherry, you had me there!

    • CherryPie says:

      There are some stunning specimins in this garden which now due to my volunteering I have the opportunity to visit every week :-)

      I always had the opportunity but sometimes I needed the incentive ;-)