Archive for the tag 'Admiral Collingwood'

From Wiki:
The headland towering over the mouth of the Tyne has been settled since the Iron Age. The Romans occupied it. In the 7th century a monastery was built there and later fortified. The headland was known as PEN BAL CRAG
The place where now stands the Monastery of Tynemouth was anciently called by the Saxons [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 12th 2015

We packed our bags, had breakfast and checked out of the hotel before setting off for Tynemouth in glorious sunshine.  We enjoyed a short walk around the Spanish Battery and the towering Collingwood monument before visiting Tynemouth Priory & Castle.  The site contains interesting history including gun batteries that were used in the first and [...]

16 Comments CherryPie on Sep 19th 2013