Vindolanda lies just to the south of the curtain wall of Hadrian’s Wall and has a very different ‘feel’ to other sites along the Wall. It lies upon the first Roman frontier in the north – The Stanegate Road and in a stunning landscape which lets your imagination really connect with its past. You will [...]
Archive for the tag 'archaeologists'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Newcastle & Alnwick 2016
16 Comments CherryPie on Oct 4th 2016
The weather was warm and sunny so, before breakfast, I sat on the roof terrace planning places to visit during our stay ‘up north’. Breakfast was enjoyable and we had the pleasure of sitting in the garden room being warmed by the sun.
After breakfast we headed to the Roman site of Vindolanda and to the [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Sep 20th 2016