Bekonscot in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, is the oldest original model village in the world.[1][2][3] It portrays aspects of England mostly dating from the 1930s.
Bekonscot was first created in the 1920s by a Beaconsfield resident, Roland Callingham (1881–1961). Callingham, an accountant, developed the master plan for his miniature empire as an addition to his large back garden, drawing in help from his [...]
Archive for the tag 'Bekonskot Village'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Windsor Revisited 2022
Bekonscot Model Village
8 Comments CherryPie on Oct 25th 2022
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Windsor Revisited 2022
Windsor Revisited – Day Four
Mr C overslept which meant we were a little late for our breakfast timeslot. As the day evolved the reason for his oversleeping became apparent; he had come down with the lurgy overnight.
After breakfast we loaded our luggage into the car and drove to Bekonscot Model Village, a place that Mr C had wanted to [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Oct 22nd 2022