Archive for the tag 'Belvedere'

We were up bright and early for a 7am breakfast in order to catch a minibus from outside the Phoenicia Hotel. At this time of day, the breakfast room was a lot quieter and more civilised.
We arrived at the collection point outside the Phoenicia Hotel in plenty of time. We waited and waited but there [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 22nd 2023

The spectacle which thus splendid, incomparable natural balcony, adorned with eighteenth century marble busts opens before the incredulous eyes of visitors truly comprehends something infinite but, any adjective to try and somehow describe this miracle of nature is ineffective. Casting your eyes down as far as the mountains of Cilento and the tip of Licosa, [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 10th 2018

8 Comments CherryPie on Jan 27th 2018