Last Friday the Government announced plans to radically reduce the compensation paid to civil servants who are made redundant. The proposals are published by the Cabinet Office and are described as “reform” of the civil service compensation scheme. The proposals actually represent a cut in contractual rights to a decent redundancy compensation at a time [...]
Archive for the tag 'Civil Service'
Filed under This & That
Governments I Have Worked For
Just for fun from the CSRF magazine:
James Callaghan – Labour, 1976-79
Foreign Secretary: Tony Crosland, Dr David Owen.
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Denis Healey.
Home Secretary: Roy Jenkins, Merlyn Rees.
Margaret Thatcher – Conservative, 1979-90
Foreign Secretary: Lord Carrington, Francis Pym, Sir Geoffry Howe, John Major, Douglas Hurd.
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Sir Geoffrey Howe, Nigel Lawson, John Major.
Home Secretary: Willie [...]
15 Comments CherryPie on Jul 6th 2009