Archive for the tag 'Diamond Jubilee'

Victoria Pleasure Gardens were created by public subscription to celebrate the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897. These gardens were popular with the elegant Edwardians and in 1910 Walkers of Tewkesbury installed a band-stand which was in regular use until the 1950s. In 2007 a combination of severe flooding and reduced funding devastated the [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 20th 2022

The ideal choice for a walk after dropping Mr C off for a lunchtime ‘retirement do’ at the Golden Ball would have been around Ironbridge and Coalport.  The flooding caused by recent storms Franklin, Dudley and Eunice meant those locations were off limits. My choice of walk needed a lunch option…
I briefly considered Attingham Park [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 24th 2022

During last years Diamond Jubilee celebrations some of our neighbours had organised a joint garden party. Unfortunately rain stopped play!  Instead we stopped inside in the warm and watched the Jubilee Flotilla on the television.
This is one of the photographs that I took from the BBC coverage of the Jubilee Flotilla.
More Red, White, Blue [...]

9 Comments CherryPie on Jul 5th 2013

I raise a toast to the Duke of Lancaster.
“Congratulations on your diamond jubilee and long may you reign.”

In celebration of the Diamond Jubilee I had planned to attend the ‘three gardens party’ arranged by my neighbours for Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately the weather had other ideas… It turned bitterly cold overnight and there was [...]

24 Comments CherryPie on Jun 4th 2012