Archive for the tag 'Fenwick Lawson'

This sculpture stands inside The Parish Church of St Mary, Lindisfarne:

In the south aisle stands the imposing statue known as The Journey, depicting the monks of Lindisfarne carrying St.Cuthbert’s body on the first stage of its journey to Durham and is probably the first thing to catch the visitor’s eye. The sculpture is an acclaimed [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 28th 2014

…Cuthbert of Farne.

Cuthbert became prior of Lindisfarne in 664, but decided to move to a quieter life of solitude on the island of Inner Farne:

Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island is one of the most important early centres of Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England. Founded in 635 and home to a small number of monks, it [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Oct 11th 2013