The weather has been glorious the past few days, so yesterday we took advantage of a sunny Sunday and went out for the day. We chose to visit Dunham Massey, a place we have not been before. As part of the WWI centenary commemorations some of the rooms are currently transformed back to how they [...]
Archive for the tag 'Hedgehog'
Filed under Anecdotes, Heritage, Out & About, Science & Nature
An Unexpected Visitor
10 Comments CherryPie on Jun 23rd 2014
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, York 2010
PhotoHunt – Bubbles
One of the places I visited during my long weekend was Burton Agnes Hall. The hall has a very fine garden which is one of the best I have visited. I will be posting on both the hall and the garden more fully in due course, but for now meet Agnes (the 2nd).
Whilst designing [...]
26 Comments CherryPie on Jun 11th 2010