The earliest records show a church on this site in the twelfth century built by Geoffrey de Clinton sometime between 1100 and 1135. Geoffrey or his successor later made over the manor of Hughenden including the church to the priory of Kenilworth and it seems that the monks established a small priory in what is [...]
Archive for the tag 'Hughenden Manor'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Windsor 2022
St Michael & All Angels, Hughenden
15 Comments CherryPie on Feb 3rd 2023
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Windsor 2022
Hughenden Manor
Statesman Benjamin Disraeli and his wife Mary Anne had a significant influence on the styling of the country manor you see today. Disraeli hired architect Edward Buckton-Lamb to complete the transformation of Hughenden from a Georgian white stuccoed building into a Victorian country retreat. As you move through the rooms you will see the personalities [...]
14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 31st 2023