Archive for the tag 'Illness'

… Gathering the cobwebs at Attingham Park.

Mum is feeling a little unwell again and her medical practice policy has not allowed her to do what the GP told mum she must do (if she felt unwell again) following his recent assessment of her health after her latest stay in hospital.

10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 3rd 2024

… followed by sunset at Horton

Today was the first time for three weeks that I was able to manage a post volunteering walk in Attingham Park. I wasn’t able to due to the restrictive visiting hours in hospital. Mum has moved from hospital but is not yet home.

I was also pleasantly suprised to find that [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 16th 2024

…Easter Day

When we called on mum to take her to breakfast it was obvious that she had become more unwell overnight. She could hardly stand up so we helped her to the breakfast room where she enjoyed her breakfast. We were also pleased to find that the other member of our party had recovered overnight.
After [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 6th 2024

…Easter adventures in Lincoln

10 Comments CherryPie on Apr 2nd 2024