Archive for the tag 'Lincoln Castle'

We set off on our journey a bit later than we intended but we still managed to arrive at the cafe we planned on visiting in time for lunch. There was a bit of a saga getting served, we were being ignored by the waitress. Eventually we got served and the food was as good [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 20th 2016

The fine Gothic building near the West Gate was built as an administrative centre for county business and a court of law in 1826.*

It replaced an earlier court house dating from 1776, which suffered from subsidence, and which in turn replaced the old shire hall which stood in the middle of the bailey. It was [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 22nd 2015

Lincoln Castle served as a prison from the outset but earlier prison buildings within the bailey have come and gone, leaving no visible trace. The present building dates from 1788, with a Victorian extension designed by W. A. Nicholson and completed in 1848, and it remained in use until the prison was closed in 1878.
The [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Apr 21st 2015

The Observatory Tower is built on the smaller of the two mounds that abut the south curtain wall, which is dated a little later than the Lucy Tower. Excavation through the tower floor and into the mound itself showed that the rubble core of the mound and original tower foundations had been constructed in a [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Apr 20th 2015

The Lucy Tower is a polygonal keep, a stone wall surrounding open space at the top of a mound. Shell keeps are relatively early transitional stage from a wooden palisade, and this fits with the latest thinking that the Lucy Tower’s mound is the original Norman one, set in a dominant position on the cliff-edge [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 17th 2015

Lincoln Castle is unusual in having two keeps and a complete curtain wall,

and its highly strategic position has given it a continuing historical importance. The site of battles and sieges and some complicated medieval wheeling and dealing, it is also a major centre of administration and justice, containing a former prison building and a working [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Apr 16th 2015

…Easter Eve

Before the alarm went off I awoke to the feeling of a warm presence holding my hands and squeezing them… Soon afterwards the pleasant sound of the Cathedral bells resumed chiming the hours and quarters after being silent overnight.

Breakfast was in the Garden room, although we didn’t see much of the garden due to [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Apr 9th 2015

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