Archive for the tag 'Love'

We finished our weekend shop and dropped off a few items for mum before setting off for some fun in the sun. We thought we might lunch in Apley Farm shop on our way to Bridgnorth. When we arrived the café was full, with only outdoor seating available. It was lovely and sunny but far [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 28th 2022

To get or not get what we desire can be equally disappointing.

4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 27th 2022

I have completed my challenge to walk 30 miles  in a week for World Cancer Day which takes place on the 4th February each year. My mileage total is 32.59. I have made my donation of 1 pound for each mile I pledged to walk to Cancer Research UK.

The walking adventure that completed my challenge…
After my [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 11th 2022

The real trick in life is not to be in the known, but to be in the mystery
Fred Alan Wolf

4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 6th 2022

For World Cancer day I am embarking on my first mini walking challenge of the year. My aim is to walk 30 miles in in one week, and when complete I will make a donation to Cancer Research UK.

Each year, hundreds of activities and events take place around the world, gathering communities, organisations and individuals in schools, businesses, [...]

Comments Off CherryPie on Feb 4th 2022

*On Angel Wings is due to descend on 14th October [2020] *
On Angel Wings is an installation that came into being following discussion on how we could offer the community a space to commemorate those who had been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As we slowly reopen following a turbulent 2020 and start to 2021, we realised people had been [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Nov 5th 2021

The day when I should have been packing for my twice (due to lockdowns) postponed holiday in celebration of my significant birthday last November was busier than planned.
In the morning I attended one of my former WW leaders’ coaching sessions. After being made redundant in late 2020 she has set up her own business as [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Jun 18th 2021

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