Archive for the tag 'Meetings'

Another of those days…

I knew that yesterday was going to be a problem day because it got off to a bad start.  When I arrived at the petrol station on the way to work  two of the lanes (4 pumps) were closed and there was a small queue.  I wasn’t too worried because the queue [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 26th 2010

Today has been rather hectic and it is nice to get home and relax. The first thing I had to do this morning was phone the RAC because I had received a letter stating that I hadn’t paid. I pay by direct debit so the card must have run out. When I [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 21st 2010

Yesterday we had our first PCS regional meeting for about three months. What with the general election and the campaign to save the Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS) we hadn’t found time to get together before now.
For some reason I got rather confused and caught the train an hour earlier than I needed to. [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 18th 2010

Filed under Anecdotes


…and other work related matters.
One of my PCS colleagues sent me an email about a forthcoming meeting and asked me to let other members of the PCS Shropshire group know when it was taking place. The email also said that on no account should I forward the original email out to the group. [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 27th 2010

Just the view I need after my day of hassle, although the story starts much earlier in the week.  For some reason I hadn’t had notification of a meeting I was supposed to be attending this Friday and it clashed with a hair appointment.  So I went ahead and rearranged my hair appointment to this [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on May 13th 2009