Archive for the tag 'Millenium Bridge'
Filed under Holidays, Newcastle & Durham 2021
Newcastle at Night
4 Comments CherryPie on Oct 17th 2021
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Newcastle 2015
Newcastle – Day One
We had set the radio alarm to wake us in plenty of time for a 10 am departure. I awoke to hear the breaking news that ‘Talk Talk’ (our email/web provider) had experienced a cyber attack and that users details had been downloaded. I lay in bed considering logging on to change the passwords to [...]
20 Comments CherryPie on Oct 30th 2015
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
A Rainy Day in London
Yesterday I had a well earned day off work and spent the day in London. The trains managed to behave themselves although the reserve booking of seats was all messed up which seems the case more often than not…
On arrival in London there was a short detour to check out the Bank of England before [...]
14 Comments CherryPie on Apr 21st 2012