Archive for the tag 'Patio'

My only walk today was around town shopping for hair essentials for mum. I parked in a distant car park so that I could get some steps in. I had intended to go for a more leisurely walk in the afternoon but the rain and ‘thunder’ led me to stay at home and do some [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on May 18th 2024

The weather was kind to me allowing me to dine on the patio.

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 13th 2023

The first time it was warm enough to dine out at Chez Nous Mr C seized the opportunity for his first barbeque of the year. I took the photo before some chicken pieces were added.
After dining we lingered a while, the warmth of the burning embers taking the chill of the evening air.

4 Comments CherryPie on May 30th 2022

…for ‘fine dining’ on the patio

Chicken Piccata Escalope with Fennel & Pea Salad

10 Comments CherryPie on Aug 12th 2021

I was sitting home alone on the patio as the sun went down when I heard an unexpected rustle in the sun parched greenery and looked up to see this little guy. What a lovely treat for me.
The young blackbird with his distinctive personality also graced me with his presence as did a fleeting bat.

The [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Jul 22nd 2021

… followed by fine dining on the patio

The weather was hot and humid so I waited until the late afternoon for my walk, choosing a route with plenty of shade.

2 Comments CherryPie on Jul 21st 2021

Today was a scorcher with the temperature reaching 84F as I arrived home after an afternoon four miler.
I walked to Leegomery Pool where I sat and lingered for a while watching the fish just under the surface of the pool. Occasionally as the fish swam a fin emerged above the water level reminding me of [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Jul 20th 2021

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