As we made our way to the Mary Rose museum featured in Saturday’s blog post we passed HMS Victory and were surprised to see that she was sporting different colours than we had seen on our previous visit. Initially we wondered if she was in the middle of being repainted and what we were seeing [...]
Archive for the tag 'Ship'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Winchester 2016
The Mary Rose Exposed
On my first visit to the Mary Rose in in September 2014 she was behind perspex as she was being dried out as part of the final stages of work undertaken to preserve her. The view of her was to some extent obscured by the tubes that were in place to dry her out.
When I [...]
21 Comments CherryPie on Nov 19th 2016
Filed under Art, Holidays, London 2014
Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle
By Yinka Shonibare
Shonibare’s scale model of Nelson’s flagship, Victory, is the world’s largest ship in a bottle. The model is rigged with sails, naval ensigns and signal flags shown as they were on the day of the Battle of Trafalgar. The only significant departure from historical reality is the design of the 37 sails, which [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Sep 18th 2014