Archive for the tag 'St. Matthew'

The Duomo (Cathedral) of Salerno is dedicated to St. Matthew the Evangelist and was founded at the request of Robert Guiscard in 1076, the year that the Normans conquered the town of Salerno after a 7 month siege.
The current entrance, flanked with a sculptured lion and lioness is a modification of the former medieval entrance. [...]

22 Comments CherryPie on Mar 20th 2018

…Duomo di Salerno

Over the past couple of weeks several things have cropped up disrupting my routine and pulling me off in different directions. I haven’t had the space to clear my head to enable me to write about Salerno Duomo (Cathedral). Unless I get blown off course again the post is coming soon

10 Comments CherryPie on Mar 15th 2018