THE GARDEN AT LINCOLN MEDIEVAL BISHOPS’ PALACE is a contemporary yet peaceful space elevated high above Lincoln city where you feel that you are soaring above the landscape along with the peregrine falcons who have nested nearby. Lincoln Medieval Bishop’s Palace is the only English Heritage property to have a vineyard, which is run with [...]
Archive for the tag 'Vineyard'
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, Lincoln 2015
A Quiet Place for Reflection
18 Comments CherryPie on May 13th 2015
Filed under Holidays, Malham 2011
Bolton Castle – The Vineyard
The Vineyard isn’t quite in keeping with the location but it is in keeping with the castle and it’s reconstruction:
Vines were first brought to this country by the Romans after AD280 when Emperor Probus decreed that vines could be grown outside Italy to give the troops something to do when they were not on duty. [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Oct 13th 2011