James has challenged us to complete the 5 by 5 meme:

1. Five pet likes

Friendship, gardens, good conversation, boardgaming, visiting new places

2. Five pet hates

Lies/deceit, being kept waiting, grumpiness, disloyalty, new years eve

3. Five pet colours

Red, Pink, Lilac, White, Mint green

4. Five pet genres

Mystery, Romance, Action, History, Fantasy

5. Me in five words

Caring, professional, enigma, fun, lovable

So tell me about you ;-)

8 Comments CherryPie on May 27th 2009

8 Responses to “5 by 5 Insight”

  1. mutley says:

    Its an interesting one, but surely lime green is better than mint green ? and you missed out erotica in your genres….

  2. jmb says:

    Good answers Cherie. If it was the 6×6 meme I think you could add busy too.

  3. jameshigham says:

    Good ones indeed.

  4. Great answers to the meme Cherie