I find it hard to believe it is 20 years since the Berlin Wall fell, time flies by so quickly. I can remember the images so vividly, it only seems like yesterday!
The BBC report on how a blunder led to the downfall of the wall:
From the safe distance of 20 years, the opening of the Berlin Wall can be seen as inevitable – the natural consequence of changes that were reshaping Europe. But for most of 1989 it was unthinkable.
And the decision itself was an accident – intended neither to happen the way it did nor to spark off the tumultuous changes that followed.
I find this link from my friend Luisa particularly interesting:
November 9 is a key date in Germany’s chequered 20th century history. It isn’t just the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall. On this day in 1938, Nazi Germany launched a pogrom against its Jewish population in which more than 2,000 people died. SPIEGEL ONLINE looks at three events that occurred on this fateful date before 1989.
You remembered it?
And there was I thinking that would have been a one year old and still in your pram.
“Wall” is my theme for today…..but is not as good as your’s.
Oh you flatterer
I was a little bit older than that
I will be over to check you wall out!
And so sad that as one wall comes down, another goes up, this time in Israel.
It is sad, people never seem to learn or is it just that people in power are always seem to end up corrupt?
Sad indeed Steve Hayes…….
CherryPie I remember the wall coming down………how the dreams for a better world of that great day.
It all leaves me feeling quite sad.
History seems to have a nasty habit of repeating itself.
Someone once told me that when evil is defeated it dissipates and spreads thinly and is not so powerful. Then it builds up again elsewhere and the cycle repeats.
Time really does, Cherie.
I find time quite scary James xx
I remember it well. My sis and bil were visiting friends in what was then West Germany when it happened: the excitement!
Angela Merkel referred to the twin significance of the date in her speech before the Brandenburg Gate. Very impressive, the commemorative celebrations, but I’m glad that all the other walls – still shamefully standing – were also remembered.
I should think it was especially exciting if you lived there and were able to experience the fall of the wall!
It w a s exciting!
Moving and exciting.
Did you actually see it come down?