
Both of these were taken when I visited Malmesbury earlier this year. You will have to look closely to see the bird in the second photograph.

I hope you all have a great weekend :-)

I have my Beady Eye on You

Market Cross

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

26 Comments CherryPie on Nov 20th 2009

26 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Bird(s)”

  1. ubermouth says:

    Love the second picture.
    I recall an old pic of my Mum in Rome with all these pigeons that landed on her. The photographer put seeds in her hands and they all swooned in.

    Have a nice week end, Cherie.

    • CherryPie says:

      I would have liked to take a full picture of the market cross. But there were cars, red barrier tape and all sorts of rubbish in the way. It wouldn’t have made a very good photograph.

      I hope you have a nice weekend too :-)

  2. jmb says:

    Love the symmetry of the second photo, with the bird at the top.

    Happy weekend to you Cherie.

  3. Randi says:

    Love the photo of the magnificent building with the little bird.
    Happy weekend.

  4. MTG says:

    I love birds. At 08:05 they will gather along my hedgetops in expectation of a warm seed/crumb breakfast. One day I must tell you Oliver’s story.

    • CherryPie says:

      That sounds like a lovely sight for first thing in the morning. I have an oak tree at the end of my garden and attracts lots of pretty birds :-)

      Oliver’s story sounds interesting.

  5. jameshigham says:

    He’s where a bird should always be … :)

  6. Excellent shots Cherie. I am glad to see that the bird is in the right place in the second photo!

  7. Phidelm says:

    I love the first one; it’s a fabulous composition. Bon weekend, Cherie.

  8. Tomara says:

    Nice! I love how you can see the bird’s eye. I also like the architecture in the second. Great job!

  9. Marta says:

    I also love the clarity and composition of the second shot. The building looks like a crown. And a nice capture of the raven.

  10. sammawow says:

    Oh, those are both great bird shots! What a gorgeous building in the second picture!

  11. luna miranda says:

    the second photo is fabulous–especially the architecture. oh, there’s a bird.:p

  12. Claudia says:

    Excellent! Do birds know when they’re being photographed? They seem to strike a pose…

  13. Pat says:

    Great shots!!

    Happy Weekend.