I saw this fun challenge to undertake a photo tour of where we blog the most. I felt compelled to check back through my archives to bring to you this virtual tour of the place where I blog from. All photos were taking by me from my blogging space.
If you want to see the mosaic photos in a larger size, follow the links below.
1. Friendship…, 2. Contemplating Autumn, 3. Before Sunset , 4. FUTAB – Enjoying Autumn, 5. Dreaming of the Magic Garden, 6. Dressed up and Ready to Go, 7. Workspace View, 8. Moo For You , 9. Golden Glow
This final photo is new to everyone and was taken last week in our snowy interlude.
What a lovely idea – and, of course, we can now picture you in blogging mode. Envy that home office. Once had my own (more of a boxroom, to be honest!). Have a lovely weekend, Cherie x.
It is not so good when visitors come to stay, they invade my space!
I hope you have a great weekend too xx
Well, now that was revealing, especially seeing you at the computer there. Savage Garden?
Now what did it reveal to you James?
The book was one of my book group reads. It features a Renaissance garden of enchanting beauty and is set in post war Italy. The family who own the house have skeletons in their past and features love, revenge and murder.
Your desktop is so clean and uncluttered! I dare not post mine. If I did I’d have to change my blogname to “slut”.
Mine isn’t quite that uncluttered today I think that was just after my desk had arrived.
haha, James, my eyes also did a double take on the Savage Garden!
What fun, Cherie, now I can picture you as we chat!
(your bookshelf looks like mine! )
I am glad you enjoyed it All my bookcases are rather messy, I call them lived in
What was the little Teddy whispering in your ear to generate such a cheeky smile?
Now that really would be telling
BTW: it is a white rabbit
It’s a lovely set of photos. A bit like visiting you, on different days. I even went on flick’r to read the books’ titles. Always, the first thing I do, when I arrive somewhere. You do keep a tidy place, CherryPie. Unless you’re like me, and dust or comb your hair before you take photos?
I think you have set me my next challenge although it will take some time. Sort out my bookshelves, seven in total and photograph them.
My desk had only just arrived, that is why it was tidy
You look very efficient and organised at your desk. Love that last photo.
Thank you It isn’t quite so tidy at the moment