
A bee and a flower of average size.

Trying to find a photo that might fit this theme left me pondering on the meaning of average; size, height, intelligence, beauty etc etc.

It left me with the thought that average is often used in the context that anything above is exceptional and anything below is sub standard.   A bit of a misuse of the word which really describes the middle point between to opposite values/extremes.

A Dusting of Yellow

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 5th 2010

8 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Average”

  1. Food for thought Cherie… and food for bee too! I love your take on this head scratcher of a theme

  2. Claudia says:

    Very clever and interesting. Except, as a photographer you’re above average, CherryPie. This photo is delightful!

  3. sally says:

    yet another great photo :-)

  4. The average description for flowers is always “beautiful,” isn’t it?