I spotted this during one of my recent visits.  But where is it?

33 Comments CherryPie on Mar 11th 2010

33 Responses to “On My Recent Travels”

  1. Bernard says:

    The New Bull Ring Centre – Birmingham.

  2. No idea but it looks great!

  3. jameshigham says:

    Under the dome?

  4. Andrew Scott says:

    Freaky, and fabby. It actually looks a bit like the ribbon depiction of a transmembrane protein complex, but I suppose you need to be a biochemisty type person to think that. I am guessing it is not in the Biomolecules Hall of The Science Museum, but it wouldn’t look out of place if it was. So let me think… Is it in your rich girl pal’s front hall?

    • CherryPie says:

      Well of course you were very very close in your thoughts until you got distracted by the possibility of my having a rich girl pal with a front hall like that!!!

  5. Andrew Scott says:

    It’s under the dome…. which dome? The dome at the museum… Which museum? Do I have to tell you everything? :)

  6. Andrew Scott says:

    The one in London….?

  7. Andrew Scott says:

    Okay, okay…. I reckon the Victoria and Albert, probably facing South… photographed by a lady with her mind somewhat troubled by trade union issues… Do you want me to tell you and everybody else what else I can read in that mind???

    • CherryPie says:

      Well I am not sure if it was north or south I have versions from two different angles ;-) But it is the main entrance hall of the V&A :-)

      Now I am so curious myself as to what else you can read in that mind!

  8. Andrew Scott says:

    I can read quite a lot Cherie, with my Mind-Reading Suction Beam (that I have been working on alongside the Alternate Reality Device) and with the beam currently pointed at SHREWdly deduced coordinates in England, oh, yeah, I’m picking up a lot…. but my goodness, what a muddled mess of mush is going on in there!!!! One thing at a time my dear, try one thing at a time! Heck, it’s all much simpler and more basic when I focus the beam on a man.

    • CherryPie says:

      Muddled mesh of mush?? Some very complex thought processes are going on in there!

      LOL are you trying to say men are simple ;-)

      SHREWdly – I see you are closing in, but not quite close enough yet ;-)

  9. Andrew Scott says:

    The beam is accurate to plus or minus 2.3 centimetres Cherie, I just didn’t want to disclose too much. Would you stop moving your head about like that please – it’s confusing suddenly flipping my gaze from the brain-stem to the cerebellum… And exploring the minds of men? Yes, thats much simpler, usually a maximum of two thoughts at any one time and one them is always about the same damn thing. Although, having said that… I did send it towards Lower Saxony the other night and found a bit of a complicated muddle inside a chap who pretends he’s called Sean :)

    • CherryPie says:

      No I can’t stop doing that thing with my head! In any case my friends find it cute ;-)

      Well of course Sean is as sane as me and I am frustrated that a lot of people have simple minds and don’t understand the messages!

  10. Andrew Scott says:

    You’ll feel a lot better once I get my planned “edit content” unit plugged in to the machine. Goodnight. Sleep well :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I slept very well although sadly I had to have that very early morning!

      I think I am programmed to resist that “edit content” unit ;-)

  11. Claudia says:

    Having watched Andrew’s futile efforts to decipher your sophisticated and brilliant train of thought, I’m surprised he didn’t know that you have the possibility to close the door of your mind to intruders of his ilk. Keep at it, dear CherryPie.
    What Andrew calls muddle is a bit complicated for bald-headed men. Very few have the proper alphabet and chemistry.

    Great this and that medusa-like photo.:-)

    • CherryPie says:

      I am surprised too that he didn’t know that I am able to close that door.

      I am just wondering if that medusa image has managed to confuse and corrupt him???

  12. Andrew Scott says:

    Canada is well outside of my range at present Claudia. Probably just as well…

  13. Ginnie says:

    So now that we know where it is, it’s whinsical and delightful. Always look up!

  14. jameshigham says:

    Who’s your rich girl pal?

  15. MTG says:

    I knew this one. Sadly the file had been permanently pilfered, along with Carla Bruni’s mobile number, by a mind suction beam.

  16. Andrew Scott says:

    It wasn’t just her mobile number that I found in your mind MTG… You know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you? Ah, that blushing is making the beam glow :)

  17. MTG says:

    I relented to pure temptation in a weak moment, Andrew.