
The walls are very black in contrast to the brightness of the stained glass windows.


For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

34 Comments CherryPie on May 1st 2010

34 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Black”

  1. Beautiful! The black really does set off the the colours of the glass

  2. Beautiful blue in those stained glass windows! The surrounding black certainly highlights them!

  3. sally says:

    wow a lovely lovely photo :-)

  4. Mar says:

    The contrast is wonderful!!
    black is black

  5. Annie says:

    Gorgeous photo and the contrast is amazing. Love how you found a colorful shot that works perfectly for black!

    Happy weekend.

  6. eve says:

    Very striking! :-)

  7. Scott says:

    Beautiful windows and very clever way to get the “black” in there. I like this take on the theme! Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Stephani says:

    Beautiful windows. Our church has a lot of beautiful stained glass windows and I just love it when the sun comes shining through them!

  9. Chrissy says:

    Beautiful shot and very lovely windows :D

  10. jmb says:

    Beautiful photo Cherie. Quite stunning in fact.

    Happy weekend to you.

  11. luisa brehm says:

    wwwwwwwonderful shot in blues, Fairy !!!!
    enjoy your May Day ;-) ;-) ;-)
    lots of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    from Flora too

  12. rach says:

    Lovely shot :-)

  13. jameshigham says:

    I echo Jams’s sentiments here.

  14. Ellee says:

    I love stained glass windows. There is a stained glass museum in Ely if you would ever like to visit.

    • CherryPie says:

      When everything is sorted out following my Dad’s passing. I should have the opportunity to get out and about a bit more.