The chapel is on the first floor and is not open to the public. Like first-floor chapels at other priories it is dedicated to St Michael and would have been used by the prior for private worship.  The chapel is above the remains of the church which can be seen in the last photo.

In the nineteenth century a garden was created to enhance the ruins.  Part of the garden can still be seen in the cloister.

Topiary Garden

St Michael's Chapel

The Church

12 Comments CherryPie on Sep 8th 2010

12 Responses to “Wenlock Priory – St Michael’s Chapel”

  1. Sean Jeating says:

    A place I’d like to visit, thanks to your photos. Isn’t interesting that (the plural of) ruin is able to fascinate so many people?

  2. luisa brehm says:

    wonderful place for miauuuuuuuume to play !!!!
    our little robot still yelling like crazy
    and my delicate ears cannot stand ;-) :-) ;-) :-)
    i told mommy we need a companion for him
    because i think little robot feels alone ….
    wow, Fairy, can you make a trick of magic ??? please ???
    lots of ronronsssssssssssssssssssss

    mommy sends lots of love and kissessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
    magicccccccccccccccccc dreams !!!

    • CherryPie says:

      Hello, lovely to see you xoxoxoxoxox I will see what I can do with the Cherie magic.

      Apart from your eardrums I hope you and Mommy are OK sending you lots of *hugs* xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  3. jane says:

    Great pics and a lovely place. We were there this spring but the pics never made it to my blog at least yet. You are a blessing – I look forward to your coments and you always have one. Thanks for that very much:)

  4. Claudia says:

    It has so much class and pride. It’s hard to call this a ruin. The photos are beautiful. :-)

  5. liz says:

    Lovely photos. I love the coloured bricks in the column that remains.

    You do visit some beautiful places. I told Husband I wanted to go to Chatsworth and he said, ‘We’ve been.’ Must have been in the days of young children when nothing stayed in my head.