Weight Loss - Week 13I felt a bit out of control with my eating this week because at the weekend I was visiting family which meant eating out and northern tea. I didn’t manage to catch up with the points after that.  It was however nice to catch up, although we had met earlier this year it is two years since we last visited.  Doesn’t time fly?

Anyway back to the weight loss, another 1.5lb this week.  Because I help out at the meetings I have been given the new Weight Watchers plan in advance of it’s launch in two weeks time.  I am not going to say to much about it till then, but I like what I see and I think it will work for me.  At first glance I think I will be including quite a few more healthy options into my diet and of course I will let you know how I get on.

I do however have a few challenges ahead of me towards the end of next week… there is a big family gathering due to a celebration (or is that commiseration) which will provide quite a few eating challenges ;-)

17 Comments CherryPie on Oct 28th 2010

17 Responses to “Weight Loss – Week 13”

  1. Andrew Scott says:

    Well I definitely ate too much last week (it was a stressful week) but I appear to have lost 3 lbs. Do you think I have discovered something? Option a) eating more causes weight loss; Option b) stress increases metabolic rate; Option 3) my scales are bust.

    Anyway, off for a late supper and a well-earner rest. Goodnight

    • CherryPie says:

      I always find that in the short term stress leads to weight loss, in the long term it leads to weight gain.

      Enjoy your late night supper and rest, take care xx

      Goodnight :-)

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  3. Congradulations on the weight loss.

    To answer your question, I wasn’t trying to infer anything about you with my recent (now removed) cow comment from a previous blog. I just wanted to make that clear.

    It was a joke, but it was a bit harsh, but it wasn’t directed towards you.

    • CherryPie says:

      I am not sure what you talking about… I haven’t asked a question that I can recall and haven’t seen any comment from you about a cow.

  4. Ruth says:

    You’re doing so well!
    I have put back on the weight I lost last week, so breaking even over the last 2 weeks :-/
    Extremely stressful week for me seems to equal overeating!

    • CherryPie says:

      Stress can lead to comfort eating or just eating rubbish, I have been there. I am sure you will get back on track and get to the weight you want to be :-)

  5. Ginnie says:

    Those trips back home or anywhere off the regular routine are killers, Cherie. Trust me, I know, having just come back from the States. I have friends who swear on the Weight Watchers’ approach to weight loss. I think you’ll like it!

    • CherryPie says:

      I do like the program, you can eat anything you like as long as keep with in your allowance. It also teaches you about the science behind food and how the body handles it.

  6. -eve- says:

    I can’t resist if there’s a nice meal……. so for me, weight watching generally means just not eating when there’s nothing I want to eat available ;-)

  7. jameshigham says:

    Anyway back to the weight loss, another 1.5lb this week.

    You couldn’t have been too out of control with that result.

    Keep it up.

  8. The comment was erased on another forum. You didn’t have to see the comment to be affected by it nor did you have to ask the question if someone connected to you asked it in their mind.

    And once you understand that you will realize it is the misalignment of thoughts within a chain which create all accidents.

    Fortunately I don’t have to worry about accidents though as I’m already being protected by someone else who knows I am telling the truth.

    I also made a comment, on the other forum, which might make “lookie-loos” assume I accused a female of hacking. I did no such thing. The people I have proof of are all male.

    But yes…back to the weight loss…

    I just got back from the diet clinic yesterday and I have been at a bit of a standstill with my weight lately. I’m thinking I’m going to have to lengthen my workout routine.

  9. liz says:

    Well done, cherrypie!
    And in response to Andrew’s comment about eating more causing weight loss, it’s true in a way as eating little amounts regularly keeps the metabolic rate up whereas if you regularly starve yourself your rate will slow down.