
Make of it what you will ;-)


12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 26th 2010

12 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Written”

  1. Mar says:

    It looks like a very original store. If there’s coffee, it is a good place! Fun take on the theme.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Eden says:

    Ok, I am still trying to get the concept. Good for a thinking prompt this morning.

    Mine is up and “written” right here:

  3. YTSL says:

    Woah, it maybe too “high” concept for my tastes! :D

  4. upto6only says:

    wow is that black thing a big coffee mug? i think will be so wide awake for a week if i fill that up with coffee hahaha.

    i think i like to go in that shop.

    Happy Weekend

  5. Fun take on the theme…but I can´t see the concept …need some coffee…

  6. Jerry says:

    Love the window! Some times (SOME) I’d rather look at the windows than go inside and shop.

    Have a great weekend.