When I got up this morning the fog from yesterday had lifted but there was a heavy frost on the car. It took me quite a while to scrape the car windows and the temperature was -10. Before I left I grabbed my camera because I knew that despite the fact that I currently work on an industrial estate, it can be quite spectacular when it is snowy or frosty and I suspected that there would be a thick frost when I got there.
I wasn’t wrong so at lunch time with camera in hand I went for a walk to see what I could find. Earlier in the morning someone had asked if I had got my camera with me, it seems they had kept the card I had made for Christmas last year and saw the opportunity for more. I hope I don’t disappoint…
I have some views taken through the office window from the third floor but I think I shall post ‘out and about in the frost’ first.
Cherie, Beautiful photo of the frost. It is cold, drab, and bare here in Kansas at the moment–just waiting for the first snowfall to transform the world. Don’t know when it will come–Kansas can have any kind of weather at any time during the year. You have to like change and the “unexpected” to live here. Not much to photograph at the moment. Love your “thought for the week” too.
Thanks forgetmenotmmm, I am not sure I could cope with so much unpredictability. I hope you have some snow soon
Today I have seen a LOT of frosty images, Cherie, which tells me Mother Nature is really having a heyday everywhere. I love it!
Yes mother nature is showing her face of beauty
Excellent pics! Mother Nature has been busy this year and I really should remember to take my camera out with me. Meanwhile I’m staying home in the warm and enjoying viewing everyone else’s photos.
Thanks DD, curling up in the warm with a hot drink is just the thing to do in this weather. It is nice to see you around
Absolutely beautiful! A definite winter wonderland!
Thanks Marcie
Fabulous piccies. I love it when it looks like the frost is “growing” on the trees.
It does look like it is growing, I found it quite fascinating
Super cool images Cherie, I am enjoying them all. Andy and myself were conferring yesterday and saying any view in Shrophire took on a whole new meaning. Even the industrial bits and of course in Telford the amount of trees makes for a very pretty scene wherever your view point may be from…
I am glad you are enjoying the views
Shropshire does did indeed look very magical under all that white.
Do you prefer winter or spring, Cherie?
You capture all the seasons brilliantly btw.
I most prefer autumn, but then I love the beauty of winter when we have frosts and snows. But a few weeks into winter it feels a bit stark and I can’t wait for spring and its new growth
Beautiful. I love this type of frost – especially when it get clear and crisp after the storm. I hope you are doing well and staying warm during your second storm.
It was the first time I had seen anything like this for many years. I am keeping warm, thank you