After my challenging week with visitors and eating out I am surprised that I have only gained 1lb. Now the clocks have moved forward and everything is awakening for spring I will have more opportunities to get out and about which will involve more walking.

I am sure that will give me the boost I need.

Weight Loss – Week 35

12 Comments CherryPie on Mar 31st 2011

12 Responses to “Weight Loss – Week 35”

  1. Denise says:

    I lost half this week – agree re the clocks and the weather – I need to have a kick start again!

  2. I’m sure you don’t need to lose any weight, Cherie!

  3. The olddies are the best 1lb as opposed to 454g. Stay off the Boost because they are very fattening :-)

  4. Claude says:

    The hardest time with a nutrition plan is in March. You didn’t gain too much and Spring will push you forward. :)

  5. Andrew Scott says:

    Don’t celebrate the first really warm Spring day like I did yesterday. Nice wife foolishly revealed there was an unopened box of chocolates hidden in her cupboard and left over from Christmas that she would rather someone consumed. What a temptress she is. So… I obliged… I only intended to have a few, but… moreish… all gone by night time (she was impressed). A Christmas dietary disaster in April is quite an achievement! :( Time to be a good boy again now. They say an occasional binge can trigger a new decline. I do hope so. If you want to test the theory too, go and scoff a box of chocolates right now :)

    • CherryPie says:

      A whole box of chocolates is quite an achievement!! Hopefully you enjoyed them :-)

      I can only manage a few chocolates at once ;-)

      Hopefully we will both stay on the straight and narrow with the dieting.

  6. liz says:

    Well done! I put on four and half pounds!! It’s so hard to keep this up.