Customs tell a man who he is, where he belongs, what he must do. Better illogical customs than none; men cannot live together without them.
Robert A. Heinlein
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Customs tell a man who he is, where he belongs, what he must do. Better illogical customs than none; men cannot live together without them.
Robert A. Heinlein
Tags: Afternoon tea, Cherie's Place Thought, Cherry Scone, Hodnet Hall, Robert A. Heinlein, Strawberry
18 Comments CherryPie on May 8th 2011
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More fine words from Heinlein
He has so many great quotes. I have refrained from posting some, they might be a little OTT for some people
Very much so.
And we do so love our custom of Engish tea
They give us great comfort too, the security of belonging to a group of people. My custom is more French wine, croissant and Brie, or Maple Syrup and tourtière…..But I’ll adopt yours anytime, Cherie.
French wine, croissant and Brie
That works for me too
Nice quote.
Where’s the cream?
Do you normally spread jam first or cream first?
Jam first – Devon style.
Cream first – Somerset style.
Ha ha… I think so.
now cream or jam would just spoil a cherry scone
But on other scones the jam has to be spread first
We celebrated High Tea testerday afternoon for Mother’s Day, Cherie, here at our senior-living complex in The Netherlands. I thought of all my Bristish friends, like you.
We need these traditions for soulful living!
That sounds like a wonderful day to celebrate Mother’s day.
And thank you
Lovely tea. I miss my jam and clotted cream on scones.
Maybe you should bake a few and introduce the tradition over there
How are you getting on btw?
And when the custom is as good as scones and jam why question it?
Why indeed
I’ve never met a scone I didn’t like:) but I have never seen a cherry one before. Of course it would be the perfect one for you!
It is my favourite type of scone. You should look out for them, they are really tasty, but I am biased
Yes, and don’t forget our Sunday roast
We always have one of those
although this week it was a day early to accommodate visitors, birthdays and departures