To celebrate the millennium, the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe commissioned the construction of an ornamental parterre on the Queen’s lawn by Floors Castle.

I found it a little disappointing that provisions haven’t been made to view the whole design of the garden from a higher viewpoint.

Millenium Parterre

Millenium Parterre

Millenium Parterre

Inforamation Board

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 30th 2011

16 Responses to “Floors Castle – The Millenium Parterre”

  1. This reminded me of the garden in Torosay Castle in Scotland.
    It’s such a lovely place!

  2. It does look very lovely! And I agree, a higher view point would have been good.

  3. jameshigham says:

    What would that higher viewpoint be? Is there a rampart or something of that nature?

  4. It looks great. A vantage point to see it in full would be great. Perhaps there wasn’t a good location for one?

  5. Ginnie says:

    I hope you left a comment in the suggestion box, Cherry?

  6. Joelaindien says:

    so nice!
    I like it very much !

  7. liz says:

    Gosh, yes, you’d have thought that would have been a given. The design looks good though …

  8. J_on_tour says:

    That is exactly what I thought when I tried to take photos here, I wanted the viewpoint to be higher. I would rather that they didn’t have the sign at all and the “art” of it would be to work out what it was meant to be.

    • CherryPie says:

      If the viewpoint was higher, the sign wouldn’t be needed. Although I do like to have everything explained in the guidebook for future reference.