Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955)

Magnetic Heart

16 Comments CherryPie on Sep 4th 2011

16 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. JD says:

    “the idea of love as the basis for living your life is terrifying, it challenges the ego”

    can’t remember where I found that…
    I might even have written it myself in a rare moment of lucidity :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I like that quote :-) It gives me pause for thought.

      Love comes easily to me, it is one of my basic instincts. I find something to love in most people and most things and even the most extreme situations.

      But what is love?

  2. Bernard says:

    Of course, the few of us who have never found this elusive ‘energy’, couldn’t of course comment.
    But I do, however, like the idea that love is an ‘energy’?
    I believe us engineers define energy as “moving a force through a distance”.
    The mind boggles – does it not, at the ‘force of love’ moving? :o
    Oh, I don’t know.
    Perhaps that is where the expression –
    “Did the Earth move for you” came from? :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I see love in everthing you do and the way you interact with your friends.

      I believe us engineers define energy as “moving a force through a distance”.
      The mind boggles – does it not, at the ‘force of love’ moving?

      I think love does all of that ;-)

      Carrying on from my comment to JD “What is Love”.

      Love is all around us within the very fabric of nature.

      I think that brings us round to your comment “Did the Earth move for you”


  3. Andrew says:

    Most powerful? It’s got a powerful rival in Hate. Powers about even, I’d say, unfortunately, based on the evidence. Everything cancels to nothing, in the end, based on the physics. Plus and minus in equal amounts leaves you with zero.

    Maybe I should try the Happy Pills…

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes everything has an equal and opposite, there has to be a balance. The laws of physics and the old philosophers teachings all come to that conclusion.

      But by observation I see that Love seems to be more powerful force that hate…

  4. MTG says:

    In matters of love the heart never consults the mind, often to the long regret of both.

  5. A beautiful quote and a beautiful image Cherie!

  6. jameshigham says:

    I think JD’s a poet and he don’t know it. :)

  7. Marcie says:…love this! So inspiring!!!

  8. Ellee says:

    And long may this continue to be the case ….