When I arrived at my recent holiday destination, I felt like I had stepped back in time.  To get to the accommodation  you have to step over a rough hewn slate bridge.

Sadly I forgot to take a photograph of the bridge over the beck :-/

Sunny View

Sit and Rest a While in the sunshine.


20 Comments CherryPie on Sep 7th 2011

20 Responses to “Beck House”

  1. Ginnie says:

    We’re back home now, Cherry, and I LOVE that I can now see a self-portrait of you like this and immediately know it’s you! THANK YOU again and again for joining us in Dudley this past Sunday. I’ll never forget it.

  2. Claire says:

    Yorkshire Dales traditional architecture is superb and Beck House is a great example.
    You seem to have had a great weekend too which is always good. Nice to see your self portrait too.

  3. Claude says:

    I’m always amazed to see how green England is, no matter where. Very good self-portrait, Cherie. It makes me feel good that I would be able to recognise you even in a crowd.:-)

  4. Wow that is such a beautiful spot. Looks great. I love the slf portrait. You certainly are getting the best out of your Panasonic.. I can see why Leica slaps its logo on Panasonic cameras (and slaps on a higher price too!)

  5. jameshigham says:

    Now that’s the intrepid photographer at her work.

  6. crash says:

    wowzers … now that’s a place I can be relaxed in!

  7. Jan says:

    It looks such a tranquil place. Nice to see you too!

  8. J_on_tour says:

    It looks a lovely place that you can be forgiven from missing a picture or two. Beautiful places always take your eye of your projected photo plans. I have the opposite problem to you with self portraits !!

    • CherryPie says:

      The missing of a photo gives me a good excuse to go back ;-)

      You should try a self portrait sometime, the process is quite therapeutic. That doesn’t mean you have to share them with everyone. Just try some for your own benefit :-)

  9. Mickie Brown says:

    What a lovely place–I agree with Claude–everything always looks so green and fresh in your photos. What a nice holiday you must have had. Very nice portrait too. Mickie :)

  10. Nice to meet you !