Respond intelligently to unintelligent treatment.

Lao Tzu (circa 6th century BC)

Response to TLC

21 Comments CherryPie on Sep 11th 2011

21 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Of course the opposite is also very true, allied with “you can lead a horse to water …” :)

  2. I sure don’t have color around my place like that.

    Coffee is on.

  3. Mickie Brown says:

    Pretty rose bud– such a “wise” too. Easier said than done many times. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

  4. Mickie Brown says:

    That would be “wise quote”–I need to read my comment BEFORE I press submit. Mickie :)

  5. Ginnie says:

    Lao Tzu sure had some good ones, Cherry. I love the quote next to this image today.

  6. Claire says:

    This is a pretty intelligent quote. Lao Tzu was a good thinker.

  7. MTG says:

    We usually make an intelligent response, which is not necessarily a truthful one.

    Yet be assured that every visit to your blog is a pleasure; whether it be in admiration of the images you captured, or in the attentive civility of your responses.

  8. JD says:

    but… but…
    I’m not intelligent enough to respond intelligently to anything

  9. Claude says:

    This photo shows much sensitivity and delicacy. As our response should be to nonsense treatment. Again, you got it right, Cherie.:)

    • CherryPie says:

      The photo is a picture of the rose I bought on what would have been my Dad’s birthday last year. The drought had been having an effect on it so I gave it a little TLC. When I took the photo a couple of weeks ago it had repaid me by producing 2 buds and lots of leaves. As I type this there are 8 buds and the one in the picture is just about to burst into bloom.

      I thought the quote was just right to go with that picture. Especially to be posted yesterday.

  10. So meaningful.
    I don’t remember this in Chinese… ;)

  11. Frida says:

    I love todays quote and also the selective focus in this image.