Chapter House Passage

10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 22nd 2011

10 Responses to “Chapter House Passage”

  1. ....peter says:

    Nice presentation Cherie…. you have captured a lot of history here…peter:)

  2. Frida says:

    Looks like a ancient Stargate ;-)

  3. Moggsy says:

    It always seems such a shame so many of these buildings were destroyed in the reformation. All w have are ruins. Tho I suppose England would be quite a different place if it had not been for that.

    With all the virtual reality we have these days I wonder if anyone will recreate them and their milieu digitally…

    I have virtually visited the Globe Theatre.. but there is the real version of it in Southwark, London also.

    • CherryPie says:

      I always try and imagine how impressive they must have been when they were still standing, some of them are enormous. You are right though, England wouldn’t be the same without it’s romantic ruins.

      I do like the way that museums recreate ruins and artefacts digitally, it helps to visualise how things may have looked.

  4. Claude says:

    Is there any danger that a stone would detach itself while you’re walking among the buildings? Some seem fragile, athough they were solidly built.

  5. J_on_tour says:

    I missed out on this location last year when I stayed near Skipton, must catch up with it next time.