Hamo de Hythe's Doorway

This doorway was originally the night time entrance from the Monk’s dormitory, it currently leads to the chapter library. The Gothic style doorway contrasts Christianity with Judaism. On the left is Ecclesia represents Christianity and on the right Synagoga represents Judaism.

Synagoga is depicted as a blindfolded woman with a broken staff, the Tablets of the Law slipping from her hand, in contrast to Ecclesia who holds a cross and a chalice.

The doorway shows the intolerance to Jews at that time depicting the view that Jews had turned away and were blinded from God’s true path.

18 Comments CherryPie on Feb 15th 2012

18 Responses to “Ecclesia and Synagoga”

  1. Despie the subject matter it is still an impressive craftwork

  2. james higham says:

    Wasn’t life ornate back then?

  3. Ginnie says:

    History with all its pitfalls before our very eyes! (sigh) I’m guessing it would be a great place for a teacher to bring a classroom of students for a good lesson!

  4. Marcie says:

    WOW..this is incredible. Love the contrasting religious symbolism. So interesting…

  5. Astrid says:

    Synagoga/synagoge is also the name of the Jewish Church. Here it is a woman. Wonderful craftsmanship, beautiful doorway.

    • CherryPie says:

      I didn’t stop to think that Synagoga = synagoge which I knew was the the Jewish Church. Thank you letting me see that :-)

      A few of my male friends who study religious texts or spiritual paths say that the female is key to everything. This seems to be the opposite of the teachings of the western world…

  6. Crash Ryan says:

    fantastic workmanship!

  7. Ayush says:

    such an ornate entrance. you have framed it marvellously

  8. Lilian says:

    I live near Rochester and have seen this doorway before….It always makes me very uncomfortable because of the subject matter, but it is interesting as an historical artefact and a work of art.

    • CherryPie says:

      It captured my eye because of the impressive artwork, it was only later when I got home that I realised what the artwork was depicting. Yes the history is interesting especially as it is in context in the Cathedral.

  9. J_on_tour says:

    It just goes to show how impressive a door can be. Outstanding image. Interesting story about it as well.