Rural France

We are now in the small village that I mentioned in a previous post:

On one very narrow turn a man came out of his house. I think he was going to assist to make sure his house didn’t get hit, I noticed there were some bumps and scrapes on the house opposite!! The corner was navigated safely without his help which left him standing in the road for a few seconds before going back into his house.

5 Comments CherryPie on Aug 4th 2012

5 Responses to “Architecture 100 :: 24 – Rural France”

  1. CrashRyan says:

    cool building ….!

  2. ivan says:

    Ah, the joys of travelling through small rural villages in France. The real fun begins when you drive down a road that is about 50cm wider than the car and you have to make a right angle turn into another roar of the same width.

    I did that five or six times a day – plus the return trip – for over a week moving building supplies 1.5km uphill for a friend in my 4×4 pickup truck.

    Needless to say, by the end of the time it was a simple operation, yet I had to sit and wait for a driver in a 2CV to back and fill for half an hour when he should have been able to just drive round.

    The main thing is that it is now part of life that I would miss if I ever moved away.

    • ivan says:

      It should be, another road of the same width.

      • CherryPie says:

        The main problem for us was the hire car was a cabriolet and the lines of vision were narrower than the sides of the car… It needed two people to navigate through the narrow road and up the hill to Rennes-le-Chateau.

        I was on the side away from the drop as we went up and I commented that I would need a tranquilizer if we had to go back on the same route…

        There was a better route to take us to the Gorges. But I didn’t get many photos of the gorges, due to the narrowness of the road and having to help navigate ;-)