This building displayed a gallery mapping out the street facades as paintings. I would have liked to have gone inside and take a look around but time was limited so I was only able to take a quick peep through the doorway.


Art Exhibition

8 Comments CherryPie on Sep 4th 2012

8 Responses to “Art Exhibition”

  1. jamsodonnell says:

    Shame you didn’t have ore time Cherie

  2. What a shame, C!
    Slow it down, enjoy the exhibition, have a cuppa. ;o)

  3. Claude says:

    Fascinating place!

  4. J_on_tour says:

    A very unusual exhibition. It reminds me of the facades that I saw in Rome & Florence that they put up to hide restoration work going on behind. It was always good to see what the finished article was going to look like whilst keeping the trauma to a minimum.