The Witley Organ

16 Comments CherryPie on Oct 2nd 2012

16 Responses to “The Witley Organ”

  1. angus dei says:

    My! What a big one CherryPie:)

  2. jamsodonnell says:

    Very impressive indeed

  3. ....peter:) says:

    Hi Cherie
    I lust had a look at the ceiling painting and it is magnificent !!!…
    The Whitney Church Organ is very beautiful and the lines fit in so very well with the rest of this beautiful church… i would love to hear its sound:)
    Both photos were framed perfectly….peter:)

  4. Ginnie says:

    The sermon would be superfluous in such a place, Cherry, don’t you think??! WOW. How could you concentrate on it.

  5. Lisl says:

    I am really impressed with the quality of your pictures inside this building, Cherie

  6. Bernard says:

    How did the organist get up there to play it? :o

  7. james higham says:

    Quite high up, isn’t it really?