All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you.
Morihei Ueshiba (1883 – 1969)
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you.
Morihei Ueshiba (1883 – 1969)
Tags: Cherie's Place, Cherie's Place Thought, Rainbow, Shropshire, Sky, Today
20 Comments CherryPie on Nov 11th 2012
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Indeed they are!
The rainbow was amazing, (it was there for well over 30 minutes) I chose the quote to fit the rainbow.
Or did the rainbow find me so I could use the quote?
oh! a double rainbow
you will have noticed, of course, you being an ‘inveterate clicker’
, that the colours in the second one are reversed.
Yes, the reverse colours always make me smile
Because I know most people don’t see that
And to remember the colours of the first rainbow in order I was taught this in my younger years…
Richard of York gains battles in vain.
It’s true, Cherry, if only we’d believe it and harness it! Look at that double rainbow. When I worked in accounting years back we had a client named Roy G Biv. I’ve never forgotten the colors of the rainbow since…or their order.
That is a curious name and one you will never forget now it is linked to the rainbow
by the way – there are only six colours in the rainbow, three primary (red, blue, yellow) and three secondary or opposites (green, orange, purple)
These make up the colour wheel, as any painter will tell you.
You can blame Isaac Newton for adding a seventh (indigo)
It soesn’t say so here-
- but Newton needed seven colours for occult reasons. he was an alchemist, don’t forget
I had not heard that about Indigo before all though I do recall in the back of my there only being 6 colours…
But of course a scientist would say that the primary colours are Red, Green and Blue
It certainly confused me the first time I heard that in a science class, I seem to remember the teacher got a bit huffy about art when someone commented on the difference!
When three sources of light (red+green+blue) are added together they produce white, as used in TV pictures-
Yes I still remember the demonstration of that from the same science class
I am going back a few years now too
An wonderful photo. I won’t do the silly double rainbow thing
It was a spectacular site
This one gave you two wishes Cherie!
Wonderful capture….peter:)
I must use them wisely
Spectacular photo. Strange the way the rainbow affects the appearance of the clouds. Almost as though it contains them within a dome.
It is a very strange effect and that was how it looked on the day
Wow, a double rainbow!
You must be lucky x
The fundamental interconnectedness of all things as well.
Yes, I think that is how it works