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…I forgot to buy my ticket.

So I will not be in ‘the best place to be when the WORLD ENDS’ tomorrow and I will not be protected from potential obliteration…

End of the World

12 Comments CherryPie on Dec 20th 2012

12 Responses to “Oops!!…”

  1. jamsodonnell says:

    Shame they’re not doing the same at out local secret nuclear bunker in Kelvedon Hatch

  2. ivan says:

    This has to be the 21st. where? Over in Australia it is the 21st at the moment and I’m still here ;)

  3. ....peter:) says:

    I loved this poster until i got to “Bring you own alcohol” part Cherie… i am looking forward to watch the sun move back to the north….peter:)

  4. Ginnie says:

    You may not have your own ticket, Cherry, but I bet you have your own alcohol! :D

  5. Astrid says:

    I wonder what I will be doing tomorrow?? I haven’t anything planned :)
    Great poster and yes I will bring my own alcohol…..

  6. james higham says:

    Same here. Typical – I even missed the end of the world.