Black triangle
Pink triangle
Green triangle
Red triangle
Blue triangle
Lilac triangleAnd they wore the yellow triangle
When first they came for the criminals I did not speak
Then they began to take the jews
When they fetched the people who were members of trade unions
I did not speakThey took away the Bible students
Rounded up the the homosexuals
Then they gathered up the immigrants and the gypsiesI did not speak
I did not speak
Eventually they came for me but there was no one left to speak
Black triangle
Pink triangle
Green triangle
Red triangle
Blue triangle
Lilac triangleAnd they wore the yellow triangle
And they wore the yellow triangle
And they wore the yellow triangleI did not speak
6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 20th 2013
We must all stand up for what we believe. Always, and with integrity and respect for everyone. One of my birth family members wears the Star of David. I do not and would not, for reasons that I won’t elaborate on, here.
There is good and bad on both sides. I hate that a whole race group, or religion can be demonised, whether it be Jews or anybody else.
I don’t like haters! I don’t appreciate those who jump on bandwagons. I don’t like people who post photo’s that they would never usually do, except…hey! she asked for it! Otherwise I wouldn’t dream of posting a picture of a woman over the age of thirty who didn’t meet up to my expectations of female beauty. Neeever!
It is great that you question why you are being complimented. You are not a fool
For the record, Hilary Mantel is a fabulous writer who does not need to be jealous. A few sentences taken out of context (which was broadly sympathetic to Kate) sets off a storm. It gives those who really don’t like women a beat-up.
Give the lady a read. She is intelligent, thought provoking, open, and not at all the kind of person who could become embittered. I hope she survives the storm.
Firstly my comment about Hilary, when I said jealous I was meaning status and publicity. I couldn’t help but see all the debates about it (for and against). We have a telly in the kitchen at work and that was the subject that was on every time I went in there. I suspect she knew the words would be taken out of context and it has given her a lot publicity
I have just corrected the words in the Christy Moore lyrics. One of my friends pointed out one of the lines was incorrect. When I looked there were a lot of inaccuracies, that will teach me to copy and paste (without proof reading) from a site with (supposed) song lyrics on it.
The reason for this post is the campaigning I do as part of my trade union activities and this is one of the songs I used in one of my campaign videos a few years ago when our jobs were under threat. I mentioned it recently here:
Our current government are slashing public services, workers terms and conditions and trying to make trade unions un-viable. Their first action in relation to this was to change the law to overturn something that had been legally won in a court of law.
The situation is not a happy one for people who work in the public sector or for the people who use those services.
Cherie, I recently had the honour of meeting Hilary Mantel, and I really am quite sure that she is not a publicity seeker. These publicised remarks were lifted from a fairly obscure lecture which she could never have expected to see the light of day, outside of academic circles. They were also out of context, in that she has previously written about the role of royal women in society. As a back to back winner of the Booker prize she did not need cheap publicity.
I do not live in England but I have family and friends. I remember the miner’s strike which happened while I was at university. I think Arthur Scargill (sp?) killed the trade union movement for most thinking people. All those miners being told to hold the line, half starved and in penury. Believe it or not, I also met him. On the train to London walking up the carriage with sandwiches from the buffet. He said hello and I thought I recognised him, belatedly realising who he was. (I think this was at the beginning of the strike because I would have had no doubt a few months later).
I am aware that public services are being slashed in the UK. I have a very disabled friend who lives in fear. I have no idea what will happen when the money is all gone but I think we’re about to find out, and I think that the most vulnerable will be protected.
I hadn’t noticed any inaccuracies in your post. If I was having a go at all, it was over your comments on a blog.
Best wishes to you Cherie. If I comment again it will be relevant to what you have written and only what you have written.
I accept what you say about Hilary. My comments about her words were based on what I saw on the telvision which included Hilary herself talking.
Meeting Authur Scargill is something we have in common, although I met him more recently. He was attending a rally I was it in relation to a different strike that took place at the same time as the minors strike. It was obscured and not many people know about it. I thought I had a video of the event on YouTube but I can’t seem to find it. I will look later on main computer. He still has the same ideals now as he did back in the days of the minors strike. I also know of minors who took part in the strike and have their personal stories to tell and of how the media manipulated what was really going. Nothing changes there does it?
With regards to the public sector and the most vunerable. Sadly it is the people who are least and or are the most vunerable that are being affected the most. The things that are being put in place are making it worse. I put it down to the fact that the members of the government have never had to use the services and are out of touch with the people they govern.
The inacuracies in the lyrics were mostly typos but it did affect the meaning in places. Interestingly they appear incorrectly on more than one lyrics site. They are now as they are sung on the video.
I accept your criticism, I often wonder myself. All I will say is that I have met some wonderful and interesting people (yourself included).
I hope you don’t mind me leaving a bit of your comment out. You are of course always welcome to comment here
Cherie, I think you are a very kind and gentle person. It’s amazing how you can form an opinion from a blog, but I truly believe in your integrity. Thank you for your patience with me.
I think you failed to delete my original comment. You might want to do that now.
All the best, S.
I will, of course, continue to comment on what you write.
Thank you for your kind words
I can only see two of your comments (other than your latest), if you see more it might be because it was originally published and I unpublished it if that makes sense…