
19 Comments CherryPie on Sep 3rd 2013

19 Responses to “Enjoying the Views from Pilatus”

  1. Lisl says:

    I hope you took time off from your photography to sit and take in the view,too, Cherie

  2. Altean says:


    Good evening, Cherry. ;)

    • CherryPie says:

      Good Evening :-)


      My blog is playing up with the intermittent database error message again (sent in the support ticket to fix it ;-) ), but maybe you meant something else…

      Pilatus itself isn’t strange, it is a wonder to behold :-)

    • CherryPie says:

      Quite unrelated… I located some better Jules Verne translations, which I am currently investigating ;-)

      As notified on my current post, I am going to be busy for several days… So I will catch up with you later ;-)

  3. ....peter:) says:

    I would love to sit there beside you on a bench and take in this wonderful view Cherie…

    thank you for following me around France… even if i couldn’t reply or visit you while i was there….peter:)

  4. Ginnie says:

    You even got some bird-watching in, I see, Cherry. :)

  5. “Rest a while with me”.
    No, with “us”.

    Choose the bird instead. :)

  6. Ayush says:

    a nice spot indeed, very quiet and peaceful too

  7. james higham says:

    High up on a hillside.

  8. ubermouth says:

    That’s breath-taking. It would be hard to tear yourself away.

  9. J_on_tour says:

    Ah well, the bird has seen it all before :-)